Report Formats

To power up your analysis of the findings using your favorite tools, our software supports the following report formats:

Generic JSON

The default report uses our Generic Issue Format. It’s easy to read and process for both machine and human.

Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF)

We have experimental support for SARIF, but it’s very complex and is not well-supported by most tools (yet?). Hence we are still using our own custom format.

Excel and Comma-Separated Values

We support reports in the CSV format:

docker run --rm -v ".:/src" \
  scanproject/standalone scan --format csv

Here’s how it looks like when opened in Excel:

excel 01


If you have SonarQube, you can now add all findings issues to the project dashboard. There are just two steps:

Generate report
docker run --rm -v ".:/src" \
  scanproject/standalone scan --format sonarqube
Import the report

SonarQube doesn’t support importing issues directly via the Web UI. Instead, you can include the report in your next Sonar Scanner run. Here’s an example using containers and our Java Application Scan:

We will skip the SonarLint scan if you are using the sonarqube report format to decrease the scan time and avoid issue duplication
docker run --rm \
  -v .:/usr/src sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:latest \
  -Dsonar.externalIssuesReportPaths=/usr/src/tsp-report.json \
  -Dsonar.projectKey=javaspringvulny \

After the command above finishes, you get all the findings together at one of the most popular dashboards in the industry:

sonarqube 04
More SonarQube screenshots
sonarqube 05
sonarqube 03
sonarqube 01
sonarqube 02


If you prefer to use DefectDojo, we support both the SARIF and the Generic Findings Import.

We recommend the "Generic Findings Import" option over SARIF.
Generate report
docker run --rm -v ".:/src" \
  scanproject/standalone scan --format defectdojo
Import the report

Use the "Findings" → "Import Scan Results" menu option. Then select "Scan type" → "Generic Findings Import".

Visual instruction
defectdojo 01
defectdojo 02

DefectDojo screenshots:

defectdojo 03
defectdojo 04